
Gold spangled Wyandotte

The spotted ‘dottes project

However for all the wonderful colours and patterns Wyandottes come in that there was something missing; I could never get rid of the image of a wonderful Silver Spangled Hamburg I had seen winning the championship at the South of England Show at the first chicken show I ever went to as a small child.  From then on I have wanted silver spangles but as Wyandottes not Hamburgs. To me silver spangled is the best chicken colour ever. When they weren’t available I decided to breed my own. It’s just a dream, hopefully getting closer to a reality.

Young Gold Spangled Wyandotte cockerel
Young Gold Spangled Wyandotte cockerel

Early Appaloosa Spangled Wyandotte


Young spangled Wyandotte cockerel

Slowly progressing

Marbled chickdown

Marbled chickdown, spangled Wyandotte
Marbled chickdown is associated with ER based, pattern-tailed spangling. Hopefully this little chap will have a white tail with big black spangles at the ends of the feathers when he grows up.

It hasn’t been easy but occasionally I get birds which have spangles and look a bit like Wyandottes though few have been as well spangled as existing spangled breeds and type usually leaves more than a bit to be desired.

p1010207Clive Carefoot was helpful and encouraging in the early stages. He shared his knowledge freely and made poultry breeding more interesting. His guidance and papers have helped me know what to look for in making spangled Wyandottes.

This year there are a few more chicks here of the right pattern.

The blueprints and inspiration for spangled Wyandottes.


Spangled Wyandotte

Silver spangled Wyandotte cock
Gold spangled Wyandotte cock


And other things