Category Archives: Hens

Love Linseed, Fabulous Flax

Whether you know it as linseed or flax this is the most amazing food. Linseed is so rich in nutritional properties that it is probably the most prescribed and used food for therapeutic reasons. Flax Farm makes a number of tasty products from it as well as producing the best of cold-pressed linseed (flaxseed) oil, whole and ground linseed.

Linseed | Cold-pressed oil | Milled | Handmade Flapjacks


Keeping Chickens safe from foxes and other predators

Predator attacks can be prevented so I feel even sadder when I hear that someone’s chickens have all been killed by a fox and  the children are distraught. So I am putting down my experience of how to keep birds safe in the hope it save the birds from the terror and families from the distress of a predator attack.

Know your enemy

Continue reading Keeping Chickens safe from foxes and other predators

Unusual Wyandotte Poultry Colours

Unusual colours and patterns

Hens and cockerels


Lemon blue Wyandotte
Lemon blue Wyandotte

Non Standard Blue Laced Silver shown at the National
Non Standard Blue Laced Silver shown at the National

Lavender mottled Wyandotte Cockerel
Lavender mottled Wyandotte Cockerel

chocolate gold millefleur Wyandotte
chocolate red millefleur Wyandotte

Mauve (Chocolate-Blue) mottled Wyandotte pullet
Mauve (Chocolate-Blue) mottled Wyandotte pullet

Blue tolbunt Wyandotte pullet
Blue tolbunt Wyandotte pullet

Chocolate silver Wyandotte
Chocolate silver Wyandotte

2018 Mottled Wyandottes

Well patterned mottled Wyandottes

Some nice mottled birds appearing. Particularly pleased with mottling on the neck and well patterned, not pure white flights.

Mottled Wyandotte Cockerel
Mottled Wyandotte Cockerel

Chocolate mottled Wyandotte pullet
Chocolate mottled Wyandotte pullet

Chocolate and black mottled Wyandotte pullets
Chocolate and black mottled Wyandotte pullets


Home bred Millefleur Bantams

These are all growers, I am impatient and like to look at them even at this stage, hopefully they will improve with time.

Young male Millefleur Wyandotte developing nice markings
Young male Millefleur Wyandotte developing nice markings

Young male Millefleur Wyandotte developing nice markings
Young male Millefleur Wyandotte developing nice markings


Young male Millefleur Wyandotte developing nice markings
Young male Millefleur Wyandotte developing nice markings

Young millefleur Wyandotte pullets
Young millefleur Wyandotte pullets

Young millefleur Wyandotte pullets
Young millefleur Wyandotte pullets

Young CHOCOLATE RED millefleur Wyandotte pullet
Young CHOCOLATE RED millefleur Wyandotte pullet

Young CHOCOLATE RED millefleur Wyandotte pullet
Young CHOCOLATE RED millefleur Wyandotte pullet

Young millefleur Wyandotte pullets
Young millefleur Wyandotte pullets

Young millefleur Wyandotte pullet
Young millefleur Wyandotte pullet


Young red millefleir cockerel
Young red millefleir cockerel


Black-gold  Millefleur Growers

2018 hatched in the UK, bred by Danny Stindt.

I have sexed them best I can but don’t know the strain and as they mature some may prove me wrong.  These are the black ones that carry lavender.

Ditch parent birds

Breeding birds owned buy Danny Stindt Lavender Wyandotte . porcelain project
Breeding birds owned buy Danny Stindt Lavender Wyandotte . porcelain project

Breeding birds owned buy Danny Stindt Lavender Wyandotte . porcelain project
Breeding birds owned buy Danny Stindt Lavender Wyandotte . porcelain project

Breeding birds owned buy Danny Stindt Lavender Wyandotte . porcelain project
Breeding birds owned buy Danny Stindt Lavender Wyandotte . porcelain project

Lavender PP page


Longfellow and bronze Columbian boy

Longfellow, millie Wyandotte PP carries lavender
Longfellow, millie Wyandotte PP carries lavender

Longfellow's brother red millefleur Wyandotte
Longfellow’s brother red millefleur Wyandotte

Porcelain project millefleur tolbunt lavender carrying Wyandottes Shamo
Porcelain project millefleur tolbunt lavender carrying Wyandottes Shamo

Porcelain project millefleur tolbunt lavender carrying Wyandottes Tolly
Porcelain project millefleur tolbunt lavender carrying Wyandottes Tolly


Dark buff Columbian-ish
Dark buff Columbian-ish

Patterned mottled pullet
Patterned mottled pullet – one of two

Buff Columbian-ish
Buff Columbian-ish

l four Wyandotte PP lav carrier pullets
l four Wyandotte PP lav carrier pullets

Porcelain Project Growers, Dutch connection, Lavenders

Lavender  Millefleur Growers

2018 hatched in the UK, bred by Danny Stindt.

I have sexed them best I can but don’t know the strain and as they mature some may prove me wrong.


Breeding birds owned buy Danny Stindt Lavender Wyandotte . porcelain project
Breeding birds owned buy Danny Stindt Lavender Wyandotte . porcelain project

Breeding birds owned buy Danny Stindt Lavender Wyandotte . porcelain project
Breeding birds owned buy Danny Stindt Lavender Wyandotte . porcelain project

Breeding birds owned buy Danny Stindt Lavender Wyandotte . porcelain project
Breeding birds owned buy Danny Stindt Lavender Wyandotte . porcelain project

Parent Birds

Lavender carrying millies page

Lavender PP Wyandottes
Lavender PP Wyandotte


Lavender PP Wyandotte
Lavender PP Wyandotte Red shoulder

Yellow front lavender male
Yellow front lavender male

Lavender porcelain project millefleur Wyandotte males


Lavender porcelain project millefleur Wyandotte males

Lavender porcelain project millefleur Wyandotte males



Lavender porcelain project millefleur Wyandotte females
Lavender porcelain project millefleur Wyandotte females

Red-ring Lavender porcelain project millefleu
Red-ring Lavender porcelain project millefleur

Dark blue-Lavender porcelain project millefleur
Dark blue-Lavender porcelain project millefleur Wyandottefemales

Lav Columbian-ish
Lav Columbian-ish pale

Lav Columbian-ish
Lav Columbian-ish pale

Lavender pullet
Lavender pullet

Lav Columbian-ish Hackles
Lav Columbian-ish Hackles

Lav Columbian-ish Hackles purple ring
Lav Columbian-ish Hackles purple ring

Homebred, lavender mottled husband
Homebred, lavender mottledm husband for the lavender pullets


Pale Blue

Blue Wyandotte Pullet could be splash
Blue Wyandotte Pullet could be splash

Not sure whether these blue mottleds are splash but very even and pale.  Very hard to see the mottle.